Welcome to Go Glow! We take pride in the level of skill and presentation needed for amazing performances!
This page is all about the backstage! Everyone who works with us or is booked by us will be held to these professional standards. Not meeting these standards may result in exclusion from future bookings or, if damages occur, withholdings from payment.
*Show up to job sites in “show blacks” which is business casual black from head to toe. Show blacks are a standard for production. If the performer arrives in an outfit that is more casual than this, such as pajamas or flip flops, this will result in docked pay by at least $20, possibly more if the performer leaves a negative impression with the on site contact.
* Please do not eat or drink in front of guests. Use a break area and either the client provides food in that area which is agreed on prior to the event, or you can bring your own beverages and snacks. No alcohol or drugs.
*If you are hired by any agent and you are provided a contact, that is for day of arrival. ALL questions you may have about the event need to be filtered through the person hiring you.
*Do not self promote. Do not book directly with the client for two years after booking through Go Glow. All referrals and contacts need to go to Go Glow.
* Call time is one hour before performance time. It is very important to arrive in time to park and load in to the venue. Arriving later than call time will result in docked pay $20 for each 15 minutes that the performer arrives late.
*It is not typical to be paid directly after an event. Go Glow pays performers asap whenever possible (barring no issues came up that need to be worked out with the client regarding the performer’s conduct), but please keep in mind for some accounting reasons it may take weeks for turnaround time.
*Everyone should have insurance. Specialty has individual event options
* Please be polite, do not curse, and follow direction from clients or support organizers. If you feel unsafe you may remove yourself from the performance area and report to onsite contact and Brianna as soon as possible.
*Communicate any issues immediately to Brianna or her delegated contact.
*Always credit photographers and booking agency in any posts.
*Patience is Super Appreciated for events. Events are by nature chaotic, and it is literally impossible to cover every detail or anticipate the many many cogs in a wheel that can go wrong. Being able to adapt without getting frustrated, especially at the person booking you, will honestly get you rebooked as a priority.
*Interpersonal issues or concerns with standards should be communicated calmly and directly to Brianna. This is best with a text or email stating an issue and a brief summary of the subject needing to be discussed, then asking to schedule a time for discussion. On a personal note, Brianna has received novels in texts that seemed non urgent at all hours of the night. This is not acceptable. When she responds with her availability and receives sarcasm or hostility in response, this is also not acceptable.
*Understand that while one sided venting on social media may seem a relief, it will generally look unprofessional. Positive words go a long way in relationships and projects, and venting on social media will cause conflict and discord and possibly end creative relationships. While call outs are warranted in extreme cases and may very well be deserved, direct communication is the standard requested initially when working with Go Glow.
*Mediation is an advanced tool used by all corporations and professional associations. Higher level conflicts at an impasse are encouraged to seek out competent and compassionate mediators to promote peace, compassion, and healing in a scene.