
Welcome to Go Glow! We provide customized entertainment for a variety of events! Weddings, Corporate events, Private Parties, Festivals, and more!
Often clients contact us with a vision, and we work to deliver the performance. If you have been contacted to collaborate, you may have extensive dance or performance experience. Or you have a potential that we believe in.
We want to be clear about choreography usage. This page is designed to lay out expectations. Participation with Go Glow either in studio or in a performance setting requires agreement with these standards.
Please see our former Choreography usage agreement here. This was our go to list of standards and expecations from 2017-2024.
Please see our Professional Conduct Page. Everyone who collaborates with Go Glow is expected to adhere to these standards.
Note that, when possible, we reuse choreographies. This means that we might transfer the counts or props to other music or themes. We do this because this is the most cost and time effective. Every choreography is a result of incredible discipline and time spent in studio. Choreographies are sometimes challenging, and getting the precision necessary to please an audience takes time. Many of our choreographies have a video aspect to them. So we don’t like to spend unnecessary resources reinventing a wheel. A choreography that is made ideally will be reused for other performances.
Tier 1 Beginner-Intermediate
This is a ground up building of a new act. The best acts have a variety of skills and a variable rhythm to surprise an audience and maintain their attention. Typical acts range from a few minutes to 45 minutes. Our most experienced members can do a 45 minute performance with a rehearsal or two.
Choreography is a skill, Dance is a skill, Arranging appropriate costuming, Curating music and presentation, Flow artistry, etc. The list is extensive, thankfully.
If we are teaching a skill in studio that the performer has little or no experience, such as acroyoga, juggling, fire technique, we have to ask a usage fee in case the performer uses the format in another setting.
We are very supportive of the successes of all artists, but we have to disclose that, being leaders in our field, we have experienced a lot of imitation. Imitation is flattery, usually, but not when the quality is downgraded or, the rates are downgraded, or the imitators downgrade the level of professionalism in the performance scene with antagonism. That behavior has happened before sadly, and therefore we have to guard ourselves from potential negativity.
Most of the time, we support using these formats in other situations. We require a variable usage fee. For example, this could be free for a community event or $50 for some private or corporate events, or it could be more depending on the circumstance. If new skills or choreographies are being used for a performance by another individual, agency, or event, we expect the performer to promptly disclose the intended use and be prepared to pay us a usage fee from the booking.
This is because studio work takes time, learning skills takes time, and we value our teaching.
We are open to reassess the usage fee two years post studio development (Two years after learning the skill). Again, we are supportive of the successes and independence of artists, and most usage fees will likely go away. For some situations we may have stricter boundaries. We are open to further discussion on this subject, but we want to reserve the exclusivity and therefore value of new, developed acts to our agency.
Tier 2 You are the Choreographer
We are learning something from you! Same rules apply, but towards us. We promise to contact you promptly if your choreography will be used and a usage fee will be worked into our pitch.
This does not include: Basic Flow Arts, Dance forms already known to the performer, Skills already known and practiced by the performer.
This does include: Custom props, choreographed sequences, show formats that add to the quality of the event, partner choreographies developed in studio, skills developed in studio.
How do you know you are ready for Choreography?
You’ve done the studio time, learned the moves, and improved based on feedback from the choreographer. You are ready when you can perform the choreography competently by yourself without a mirror. This is the test *cue dramatic music.* We believe in you!
And finally, CREDIT. All shared media needs to include credit towards @goglowdfw for the choreography, booking, and costuming.
Go Glow, Brianna Apsara, and all parties involved in the development and performances come with inherent risk. All performers accept that these acts are a risk. Due diligence for safety is always a priority, but the risk for any nonnegligent harm is assumed by the performer.
Go Glow encourages clear, direct communication at all times with performers. We want you to be a participating voice in our practices and creative outcomes. Understand though for progress and efficiency, sometimes final decisions have to be made by organizers. Refer to our Professional Conduct page for more information.
Now let’s go make amazing art, monetize our abilities, and make the world a funner place.